Green cheek Conure


Greencheek Conures are tiny little birds, and make great pets for kids and adults alike. They come in a variety of colors and mutations. The Pineapple Greencheek mutation is a beautiful little bird with all the colors of, well, a pineapple. They have a beautiful red scalloped chest which sets them apart from the green and black Greencheek conures.


Green Cheek Conure for Sale

Green Cheek Conure for Sale, the Green cheek conure parrot is a favorite among bird novices because of its relatively low price, small stature, temperament, and relatively low noise level, at least compared to its larger cousins. The green cheeked conure breeds fairly easily and as a result is readily available. The Green cheeked conure is one of the smallest conures and is often confused with the maroon-bellied conure, a close relative. green cheek conure for sale california

These birds are so similar in appearance that they are often identified incorrectly some owners. They are the same size, about 10 inches long, and both are primarily green. The green cheek conure is a bit brighter in color than the maroon-bellied conure and has gray barring on its chest, fading into a slightly reddish belly. The maroon belly has a golden barring on its chest and distinct, heart shaped maroon shading on its belly — hence the name. Both have a dark gray beak and feet. They are most easily confused when they are young, before their full color comes in after the first molt. green cheek conure for sale california


Diet and Nutrition of a Green Cheek Conure

Green cheeked conures feast on fruits, vegetables, seeds, and the occasional insect or two. Pet conures in captivity should have a similar diet. For optimal health, feed your conure parakeet with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables supplemented with a high-quality pelleted diet. An easy way to incorporate a variety of fresh foods is to use the chop concept, which involves making a preparing salad mixture in advance. Baby green cheek conure for sale

A nutritionally balanced manufactured diet supplemented with fresh vegetables, fruit, and nutritious table items should be fed to a green-cheeked conure. Conures have busy beaks, thus Lafeber foods are a conure favorite. Avi-Cakes, Pellet-Berries, and Nutri-Berries from Lafeber provide balanced nourishment that appeals to a conure’s chewing demands. With proper care, a green-cheeked conure can survive for 25 years or more. Baby green cheek conure for sale


Personality and Behavior

The green-cheeked conure is a little clown, always full of antics. These birds love to hang upside-down and clamor along the cage bars, waiting for their owners to play with them. Green cheeks are mischief-makers, so keep an eye on your bird at all times. This is a good bird for children, as it is small enough for little hands to handle and is generally good-natured. However, realize that any bird can bite, and little fingers are tender. Always use caution around birds and children, especially for the bird’s sake. Female green cheek conure for sale


Caring for the Green-Cheeked Conure

While the green-cheeked conure’s beauty and brains make it an attractive potential pet, the truth is that not just anyone can properly care for a conure or any bird. Parrots are a big commitment requiring daily exercise and socialization, a continuous supply of fresh foods per day, and space for their sizable cage and flying activities. Female green cheek conure for sale

A green cheek conure should do well when paired with other green-cheeked conures, but do not house them with different species of birds. If you house more than one bird in the cage, make sure you increase the size of the cage per bird. The more birds you put together, the larger the cage will need to be. turquoise green cheek conure for sale near me

In its natural environment, the green-cheeked conure lives in a flock. As a pet, it still needs a considerable amount of interaction with you. Expect that your bird may need two to four hours outside the cage for exercise and social time every day. turquoise green cheek conure for sale near me



Always handle your pet conure gently. If a person is a afraid of a bird, the bird can sense this and it can make it impossible to develop a relationship. Never hit your bird or you will loose it’s trust, probably forever. pineapple green cheek conure for sale

Taming Basics
To train you pet, the first thing you should do is have it’s wings clipped. A bathroom is a good area for working with your conure to train it. Be sure to cover the mirrors, have the windows closed and covered and the door closed.
Always reward good behavior and each success with loving praise and a treat. Some treats are a cracker, fruit such as a piece of grape, or a nut. Repeat the hand-taming lessons several times a day but for short periods of time, about 20 minutes a session.

Initial Training
Place the Green Cheek Conure (for Sale) on a perch. If it insists on flying off, pick it up and replace it on the perch until it becomes use to the perch and is comfortable with it. pineapple green cheek conure for sale
The next step is to take a second perch and gently push into your pet’s chest to encourage it to step up on it. Sometimes offering a treat to coax it up on the perch as it reaches for the treat will help.
Once it steps up without hesitation, you can then substitute your finger for the perch. If your conure tries to bite, you can blow on it and it will soon learn to behave.

Advanced Training
These are very bright birds and love learning tricks. Some of the tricks you can teach it to do are to play dead, lay on its back, and even pick up objects and bring them to you. Your conure can also learn to talk with patience and persistence.



To avoid damage to your green cheek conure, these grooming procedures should be performed by an avian or veterinarian. Avoiding escaping or injuring itself, clip its flight feathers. To avoid injury to yourself or the bird, trim its nails as soon as they become sharp. You might also put some rough patches in the cage to keep this from happening. green cheek conure for sale craigslist near me


Green-Cheeked Conure Vocal Ability

First off, a green cheek conure is an intelligent bird, but can only learn a few words. In fact, it’s one of the quietest parrots and yet again doesn’t mean it doesn’t make a great deal of noise. green cheek conure for sale craigslist near me

Its deep and low voice makes it words, if it speaks any, unclear.

Regardless of its not-so-good speaking prowess, its sweet personality makes up for what it doesn’t have in speech to make it an ideal pet bird.



Green-cheeked conures are popular pet birds. They are affectionate and playful and thrive on time spent socializing with their owners. Like all birds, green-cheeked conures can be nippy and uncooperative at times, but as a general rule, they are among the most easygoing of the conure species. Although most never talk, green-cheeked conures do well with training and are known to be fast learners. They can learn to do simple tricks. green cheek conure for sale craigslist near me


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